
Experience: the difference.

We’ve been helping people in Sydney get fit and healthy for more than twenty years. During this time, we have developed a unique and proven system to achieve comprehensive and lasting results. Combining the essence of fitness, strength, nutrition and relaxation, we guarantee you will start to feel better from the very first session.

Personal Training

Our training is based on 5 focal points that exist as common threads, linking every individual to their own personal level of optimum health and vitality. After a comprehensive initial assessment, we put together a program specifically for you, designed to maximize your power, shape, energy, breath and presence. From your first session we inform you of the exact range of foods that will enhance your natural shape, increase your energy and control your weight – the movements that are compatible with your body type and your goal – the patterns of breathing that balance your nervous system and harness your mental focus, allowing for complete relaxation.


Yoga is a fundamental system of becoming healthy and open in body and mind. Known as the science of self-realisation, its origins can be traced back over 5000 years. Our yoga classes are designed for beginners and people who have never tried yoga before, as well as advanced practitioners. By keeping the class sizes small and offering different versions of each of the poses to allow for each student’s individual needs, someone new to yoga can be stretching out next to someone who has been practicing for many years – and both are enjoying the challenge! RISE yoga classes range in style from dynamic and athletic to restorative and relaxing.


Our small group classes are inspired by traditional Pilates, ballet bar exercises and movement rehabilitation – using foam rollers, circles, hand weights, therabands and balls. One of the best things about Pilates is that it works so well for a wide range of people. Athletes and dancers love it, as do seniors, women rebounding from pregnancy and people who are at various stages of physical rehabilitation. This precise system of strengthening and stretching the whole body draws on inspiration from both eastern and western exercise regimes. It was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s and was originally used as a rehabilitation program for prisoners of war.


RISE Bootcamp is unique. It’s all the body changing best bits of a bootcamp class without the unnecessary hardships. Life’s tough enough without being yelled at to do back breaking exercises in the freezing cold or scorching sun. We’ve dropped all that, but kept the;

Functional movement

Ass-kicking intensity

No nonsense

then added, great music, sensible modifications and the “RISE Flow” which means we make every second count! If an exercise isn’t right for your current level of fitness or injury concern we’ll change it on the spot to give you an even better result. The best indoor and outdoor training class around!

  • Sign up for a class
    • Yoga
    • Pilates
    • Bootcamp
    • Fun challenging workouts
    • Connect with like-minded locals
  • Create your own group
    • Yoga
    • Pilates
    • Fitness
    • Combo Class
    • Choose the class you want
      Choose when you want it

Our Philosophy

Welcome to Rise

Welcome to Rise

Personal Training and Small Group Classes

RISE is a fresh approach to healthy living in Sydney, combining the essence of fitness, strength, nutrition and relaxation. Developed by the husband and wife team of John and Ruth Fell. It represents a culmination of 40 years combined experience in the health and fitness, pilates and yoga industries
RISE is a scientifically developed, systemised method of restoring the vitality and freedom of movement you were born with. It will improve your Power, enhance your Shape, increase your Energy, revitalise your Breath and refresh your Mind.

Our world-class trainers are nationally registered with Fitness Australia and possess full public liability and professional indemnity insurance.



Cardiovascular Training – Fat Burning

Our power training increases your cardiovascular fitness (the ability to transport oxygen and blood to the muscles) and fat oxidation rate (the ability to utilise fat as a fuel source), leaving you feeling fitter, leaner and healthier than you have in years. Remember, body fat is there to be used! It’s a storage system designed to keep your body warm, draw the toxins away from vital organs and most importantly be used as fuel when the body’s energy demands are not being met.

Any activity that quickens your pulse and deepens your breathing uses your cardiovascular system. The more you use it, the more powerful you become and the younger you’ll feel. So find a few different activities that you enjoy and do them regularly.

We offer fun, indoor and outdoor activities suitable for all ages and fitness levels.



Strength – Flexibility – Body Shaping

Our shape programs optimise your natural shape by combining an emphasis on joint stabilisation and alignment, with precise flowing movements, which strengthen and stretch your whole body. We recognise that every single person responds differently to any given exercise, so your program is individually tailored to suit your precise needs.

As you learn to focus your attention on each part of your body, cultivating an awareness of where it is in space and which muscles are working, you will begin to appreciate the difference between an exercise that is helping you and one that is hurting you. We offer a unique method of body shaping, involving elements of pilates, yoga, gymnastics, resistance, balance and flexibility training.



Healthy Eating – Enjoying Food

We recognise there is no single nutrition plan that works for everyone. Have you ever wondered why certain foods make you put on weight, while the same foods can have no adverse effect on your friend? What about the person who seems to be able to eat almost anything without putting on one kilogram? Why do high protein/low carb diets work for some people, while low fat/high carb diets work for others? The fact is we are as different on the inside as we are on the outside. From the shape of our internal organs to the rate at which we metabolise nutrients, our biochemical make up is unique, down to the very last cell.

Our personal training combines the timeless wisdom of ancient eastern cultures with the clear insights provided by modern western science to bring you a thoroughly unique system of healthy eating, guaranteed to increase your energy and improve your health.



Fine Tune Your Movements – Focus Your Thoughts

Our training system teaches you to breathe through your nose as often as you can. While not only preventing unnecessary dehydration, the air is filtered, warmed and humidified as it passes through the nasal passages. Because of the reduced intake area the breathing rate immediately slows, increasing parasympathetic tone and deepening the breath.

In this way, we ensure that you undergo the minimum amount of stress necessary to create a change in your body. Most people, when exercising hard enough to illicit an adaptation response, work far more muscles than are actually needed.
By using the breath as the limiting factor, our workouts ensure safe, effective results while maintaining the feel good element throughout the whole session.



Your Connection to the Universe

Our meditation will help you make changes without effort, struggle or denial. Every thought has a biochemical (emotional) effect in the body. A new thought activates certain pathways in the brain that has a particular effect on the cells of your body. Compared to the unconscious, repetitive thought patterns that most of us develop over a lifetime, the chemical (emotional) effect of a new thought is minimal – which explains why habits can be so hard to break.

Meditation can help you develop an awareness beyond thought – a state in which your old thinking no longer drives your chemistry to a place you don’t want to end up. It is a journey of self-discovery in which each person, in their own way, comes upon the realisation of the unquestionable unity of all things. While this awakening is not something that can be transferred from one person to another, the passion for it can be. That’s what we’d like to share with you.



“Full of light and fresh air”

The last thing you want when you’re exercising is to feel cooped up, be too hot or to not have enough fresh air. Our studio is situated above the water’s edge, with five separate doorways which allow the sea breeze and sunlight to bathe the space with natural light and air.

“A pleasant and uplifting place to be”

It is located in the historic Cooperage building which was built in 1901 as a place to manufacture barrels for storing rum. In 2006, the building was redeveloped into a unique and picturesque workplace where the historic meets the new.

“A space where exercise can be enjoyable”

We’ve designed it to feel more like a playground than a gym. Come and see for your self!



Nestled close to the ANZAC bridge in the heart of Jackson’s Landing, Pyrmont, we are surrounded by harbourside parks and sandstone staircases.

As a result, we can offer the best of both indoor and outdoor training.

On a beautiful autumn morning or spring afternoon you can be soaking up the sunshine in Urdhva Mukua Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog) or enjoying the sea breeze while you punch out twenty jab cross combos on the pads. During Summer and Winter as the conditions change, our climate controlled studio provides the perfect vantage point to retreat from the elements or watch an electrical storm roll in from the west.

Convenient access is provided by a car park at the rear of the building and light rail and bus stops just meters away. On the fringe of the CBD, Pyrmont is a peninsula (which means there’s no through traffic) so it has retained a quiet, village feel.



The first thing you’ll notice about our studio is that this is not a “gym”. There are no treadmills, no steppers, no seated machine weights or even a bench press. There are better ways to strengthen your muscles, get your heart pumping and move your body in a way that helps you look and feel fantastic.

Build a great foundation
We are corrective exercise specialists

We ensure that mobility limitations and stability issues are cleaned up using a combination of Yoga and Pilates apparatus (reformer, wunda chair, magic circles, blocks, etc) as well as corrective exercise equipment (foam rollers, massage balls, sticks, bands, tubing and more).

Achieve amazing results.
30yrs experience providing fun, effective workouts.

With the body open and stable, anything is possible. If you can dream it, we’ll help you do it. We have: Ropes, Rings, Weights, Kettlebells and so much more. Come and play!


  • Starting to get a little older, a bit less flexible, and putting on a few extra kilos I thought I should do something about it.  That was about 4 years ago when I wandered past this gem of a studio called RISE Health.  The open air, friendly studio located with a great outlook and filled with friendly instructors is one of my favourite places to visit for my daily exercise fix.  I prefer a trainer who does not yell and scream at you, but one who is extremely passionate about their job, who has a wealth of knowledge, and someone who can provide me with a session where I have absolutely nothing left in the tank when I leave.  John definitely provides all of this and also manages to make you smile while doing it.  Being one of those people who just enjoyed running but did very little strength work, John has helped me achieve a more balanced body which now means no more back or shoulder pain, and my running has improved as well.  The smaller studio means you receive a lot more attention during classes which is a must for me.  The great mix of classes provided caters for everything I want to do whether it be Yoga or Pilates, or a challenging Bootcamp class.  RISE Health has it all. John and his team go above and beyond to provide an exceptional service.  I strongly recommend RISE Health to everyone, so come along you won’t be disappointed!

    Lorna Foley Legal Secretary
  • Maintaining a successful training program has always been an issue for me. In the past I would often struggle to achieve my desired results due to a lack of interest and boredom in what I believed to was a standard weights & cardio program. That said, I love the way I feel when my body is fit and strong, so I continually tried new personal trainers or training disciplines in hope that something would stick. I poked my head into the RISE studio after moving into a nearby building, and was surprised to see no bench press or treadmill in sight. I signed up for a fitness assessment with John and knew within minutes that the search for my perfect training environment was over. When I started I was only a couple of kilos over my desired weight, but I felt terrible. My sleep was inconsistent, my energy levels low, my brain didn’t seem as sharp as it should have been and I was carrying some niggling injuries. John guided me through the process of addressing all of these issues and inspired me to demand more from my body than ever before. I’ve tried to describe the style of fitness they provide at RISE and can never do it justice but I guess it’s a mix of: Yoga & Pilates without the ohm Weights without machines Stretching and postural correction Cardio without so much as looking at a treadmill, and Nutritional guidance without judgment I guess the beauty of RISE is that it’s different for everyone. Others I’ve met while training have completely different workouts to me, which speaks volumes about the experience of the team and service offered. It’s truly PERSONAL training.

    Nathan Pongrass Investment Manager
  • Around twelve months ago I was suffering from chronic back pain and after having two steroid injections to alleviate the pain I was still suffering .This made me think my only option was to look into surgery and then I was walking past RISE Health studio and spoke to John Fell about doing a pilates class, he suggested doing one on one with him and recommended ten sessions ,I have been going every week since such has been the positive impact John has had on not only my health and fitness but my life in general. RISE Health and Fitness provides a professional environment to train in with pleasant surrounds and friendly staff. My road to recovery has not been rushed but encouraged by John through many different avenues such as an improved diet ,getting my body fat percentage down which lowers the risk of other health problems,,also not training in pain Johns knowledge of the muscular system is second to none and if one exercise is uncomfortable he has many more to move onto. Improvements I have had with my back has enabled me continue working at a high level which involves a lot of heavy lifting and also get back into some high intensity aerobic training. I recommend RISE Health to anyone who wants a positive change to their lives.

    Andrew Lawrence Butcher
  • I came to see John at RISE in early 2013 after a back injury. I had very preconceived and somewhat negative ideas about personal training which turned out to be completely incorrect. When I first came to RISE I was experiencing daily lower back pain which had become a permanent, but unwelcome aspect of my life. Two years later I have no back pain and I feel healthier and better in all aspects of my daily life. For me RISE represents personal training for the thinking person. John understands my goals and tailors our weekly program to meet those needs. When I started I never thought I would end up actually looking forward to exercise, but I do now. And as an added bonus the studio is bright, clean and doesn’t have the cramped feel of a lot of gyms.

    Dr David Elliott Anaesthetist
  • I began personal training with John at Rise Health after having a baby. I had heard great things about John and have found them all to be true. What has struck me is the teams enormous knowledge and experience in all things health and fitness. They do a fabulous job of catering to all ages, sizes and fitness levels and will tailor a program to the individual using a variety of different exercise styles and techniques. For someone like myself who has never been a huge fan of exercise, this has made all the difference and for the first time in my life I've actually found myself looking forward to working out! On top of this are the fantastic results you get. I am now getting comments from friends that I look better than I did pre-baby, I think a lot of this comes down to someone giving you the right kinds of exercises for your body type and motivating you. I would highly recommend Rise Health to anyone who wants to start incorporating more exercise into their life but doesn't know where to start, is already very fit and healthy but wants to be pushed further or someone who just wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Paris Neilson Busy Mum
  • At the start of my sessions with John my body was acting my age - sore back, knees, joints let alone expanding waistline. Many years of sitting at a desk with passive exercise does not work in the long term. 18 months later- core strength, mobility and fitness has improved markedly and am now back to my fighting weight and body tone of at least 15 years ago. Rise has been instrumental in every step from initiation of training programs, exercise regimes and encouragement. Most importantly they care and regularly modify the regime to counteract niggles and twitches. They really know their stuff. You always feel your time spent with RISE is dedicated to you. There are no distractions, no mobile phones, no slackening off. Its 100% focus on you. I’m happy to acknowledge that what I’ve saved on regular appointments with Chiropractors is now spent on buying new and trimmer clothes. Thanks RISE. I’m a big advocate.

    Rick Yabsley Accountant
  • I first started my search for a personal trainer because I knew something was out of balance in my routine - I was exercising heaps and eating ok, but always felt tired, constantly injured and workouts became a chore. I'm so glad I found RISE and John has been instrumental in helping me strike a better balance not just from a fitness perspective but also with my overall health. John's great in translating all the "rules" that we all know we "should" be following, into practical tips that can be incorporated into a busy work week. I've learned that as with most things, there's no "one size fits all" to exercising - I love the variety in our sessions but also confident that the exercises are tailored to my body and how I'm feeling overall (it's a fine line knowing whether I really "need" that one last sprint!) It's great knowing that there's an expert keeping tab on my progress and keep challenging me week in week out! The regular smiling faces at RISE are an added bonus and provide extra motivation! Thank you.  

    Grace Tang Investment Banker
  • Being of an age where my body has some challenges I am happy to say John at RISE is able to tailor my sessions according to my physical limitations. This is invaluable to me and without it I doubt I would be able to be as active as I now am.   I enjoy every session. John is gentle but firm. His understanding of the mechanics of the human body is not only reassuring but allows me to address issues and deal with them. I have lost five kilos and I am far more active now. In the past I have not enjoyed exercise but I now look forward to his sessions.   The studio has a relaxed vibe, personal with the best sunsets and view. My fitness regime has been designed to suit my age and lifestyle; therefore have a greater chance of success and sustainability. I love going to ‘RISE’ it doesn’t feel like a gym but a place where one rediscovers their body.

    Jo Cahill Actor/Director

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